Sandeep Nallan Chakravarthula, Bo Xiao, Zac E. Imel, David C. Atkins, and Panayiotis Georgiou. Assessing Empathy using Static and Dynamic Behavior Models based on Therapist's Language in Addiction Counseling. In Proceedings of Interspeech, pp. 668–672, sep 2015.





BibTeX Entry

 author = {Chakravarthula, Sandeep Nallan and Xiao, Bo and Imel, Zac E. and Atkins, David C. and Georgiou, Panayiotis},
 bib2html_rescat = {emotion, bsp},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of Interspeech},
 link = {},
 location = {Dresden, Germany},
 month = {sep},
 pages = {668-672},
 title = {Assessing Empathy using Static and Dynamic Behavior Models based on Therapist's Language in Addiction Counseling},
 year = {2015}

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