Rahul Gupta, Nishant Nath, Taruna Agrawal, Panayiotis Georgiou, David C. Atkins, and Shrikanth S. Narayanan. Laughter Valence Prediction in Motivational Interviewing Based on Lexical and Acoustic Cues. In Proceedings of Interspeech, 2016.





BibTeX Entry

 author = {Gupta, Rahul and Nath, Nishant and Agrawal, Taruna and Georgiou, Panayiotis and Atkins, David C. and Narayanan, Shrikanth S.},
 bib2html_rescat = {bsp},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of Interspeech},
 link = {http://sail.usc.edu/publications/files/gupta_laughter_is160184.pdf},
 title = {Laughter Valence Prediction in Motivational Interviewing Based on Lexical and Acoustic Cues},
 year = {2016}

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