Linguistics 580
General Phonetics


Xhosa is a Niger-Kordofanian language (Bantu branch, South-Eastern Zone) spoken by approximately 6 million people in South Africa.

Xhosa has 15 click phonemes. Each of the there click types -- dental, alveopalatal, and alveolar lateral -- may occur with one of five distinctive accompaniments, as summarized in the following table:


Please transcribe the following Xhosa words. You may ignore tone.

1 ____________________________
2 ____________________________
3 ____________________________
4 ____________________________
5 ____________________________
6 ____________________________
7 ____________________________
8 ____________________________
9 ____________________________
10 ____________________________
11 ____________________________
12 ____________________________
13 ____________________________
14 ____________________________
15 ____________________________