Female Characters In Films Often..

Female Characters In Films Often "Make No Difference To The Plot", Study Reveals : A study of the language used in almost 1,000 film scripts has shed light again on the chasm that exists between the ways that male and female characters are portrayed onscreen. If womens' roles are removed... [Read More]

Why Hollywood’s female stars..

Why Hollywood's female stars get all the worst lines : A study of the tone of language of characters in nearly 1,000 film scripts has confirmed many assumptions about gender differences in the film industry. Women characters are younger, speak less and if removed from the plot it usually makes... [Read More]

Female characters get all the..

Despite female-led films making more money, study reveals Hollywood tends to give women pointless rolesA study into the language of characters in almost 1,000 film scripts has revealed how sexism is embodied by characters on the silver screen. Using automated tools for linguistic analysis, the research found that women characters... [Read More]

Men Speak More Than Twice as Often as..

Men Speak More Than Twice as Often As Women Do in Films - StudyThe answer for true diversity and appropriate representation on the big screen? Simple: Hire more women. Talk isn't cheap. And, in Hollywood, it still seems to come predominately out of male mouths. [Read More]

Female dialogue often reinforces..

Film dialogue often reinforces stereotypes about race and gender, a machine learning study confirmsIn news that should be no surprise to anyone who follows the film industry, a new study has found that men speak more than twice as much as women in film, and often, the dialogue that is... [Read More]

Look Who's Still Talking the Most in Movies..

Look Who's Still Talking the Most in Movies: White MenWith "Wonder Woman" and "Girls Trip" riding a wave of critical and commercial success at the box office this summer, it can be tempting to think that diversity in Hollywood is on an upswing. But these high-profile examples are not a... [Read More]

Female roles not central to..

Female roles not central to most Hollywood movies : Female roles are not central to the plot in Hollywood movies, say scientists including those of Indian origin who found that stereotypes of women, race and ageing are reinforced in films

USC study finds that movies are still dominated..

USC study finds that movies are still dominated by men, on- and off-screenAs the first female star of a superhero franchise, Wonder Woman may have empowered female viewers, female filmmakers and the summer box office, but she is still a lone Amazon in the world of men. According to a... [Read More]