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Bose, Digbalay; Hebbar, Rajat; Feng, Tiantian; Somandepalli, Krishna; Xu, Anfeng; Narayanan, Shrikanth

MM-AU: Towards Multimodal Understanding of Advertisement Videos Conference

ACM Multimedia , 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: advertisements, computational media understanding, content analysis, multimedia understanding, multimodal

Hebbar, Rajat; Bose, Digbalay; Narayanan, Shrikanth

SEAR: Semantically-grounded Audio Representations Conference

ACM Multimedia , 2023.

BibTeX | Tags: computational media understanding, multimodal, self-supervision

Sharma, Rahul; Narayanan, Shrikanth

Audio-Visual Activity Guided Cross-Modal Identity Association for Active Speaker Detection Journal Article

In: IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing , pp. 225-232, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: active speaker localization, computational media understanding, cross-modal learning, multimedia understanding


Somandepalli, Krishna; Hebbar, Rajat; Narayanan, Shrikanth

Robust Character Labeling in Movie Videos: Data Resources and Self-supervised Feature Adaptation. Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 24 , pp. 3355 - 3368, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: computational media understanding, face clustering, face diarization, multiview correlation, self-supervision, triplet loss, video character labeling