Linguistics 580
General Phonetics
Louis Goldstein

Measuring F0


1. Use Praat to record yourself producing the following two sentences and save them as sound objects, named statement and question.

"The chefs gave a party yesterday."

"The chefs gave a party yesterday?"

2. For each sound object in turn, create a corresponding TextGrid with a single tier named F0. (See Recording and Labeling in Praat for help).

3. For each sentence, select and label (in the TextGrid box) an interval corresponding to three fundamental periods of the vowel /eI/ in "gave" and another interval corresponding to the three periods of the same vowel in "yesterday." Choose periods of time where the fundamental periods don't appear to vary much from one to the next. Figure 1 gives an example of a selected interval in the word "gave."

Figure 1

4. Label these intervals "gave" and "yesterday" respectively. After you have labeled all the intervals, select both signals and their textGrids and write them to a binary (collection) file, named <your_name>f0.Collection.

5. Write down the duration of each interval you selected and divide each by three to get the average fundamental period of each interval, and compute the corresponding fundamental frequency. Note this information in the table below:



duration of 3 periods of /eI/ in "gave"

fundamental period of /eI/ in "gave"

fundamental frequency of /eI/ in "gave"

duration of 3 periods of /eI/ in "yesterday"

fundamental period of /eI/ in "yesterday"

fundamental frequency of /eI/ in "yesterday"



6. How does fundamental frequency differ in statements and in questions?



7. When you are all done, email the collection file to me.

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